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* An earlier edition of this article by MashTank’s founder, Michael White, originally appeared in Forbes.

Businesses flourish when the people driving them are creative and innovative.

So naturally, leaders look for ways to bolster their team’s creativity in the face of challenges. And what is one of the most effective, albeit counterintuitive, routes to creativity?


There are few things scarier than being given a blank piece of paper and told to write. About what? To who? Why?

Constraints, even small ones, help reduce the undertaking from the size of the universe to something much smaller, like “giraffe eyelashes” or “possible explanations for déjà vu.”

In my experience, under constraints, creativity actually flourishes more.

Small barriers or directional cues are conduits for creativity.

I used to work for a moving company. At some point, we discussed the constraints of tariffs that govern the rates movers charge consumers. Without boring anyone with the granular details, the tariffs apply to a moving company loading a truck, driving it across state lines and then unloading it.

Under these constraints, I asked, “What if a moving company packs it, a non-moving company transports it, and the original moving company unpacks it? Would the tariff still apply?”

And the discussion continued into more creative problem-solving. The constraints bolstered the innovation—innovation that we wouldn’t have thought of (at least then) if it were a blank–page meeting about how to save money.

So let’s talk for a second about creativity in the most constrained place you can imagine: prison.

I’m not personally familiar, but let’s deduce that the system has constraints like when you go to your cell, when you are allowed outside, when you eat, what you wear, and a host of other variables.

Now, picture the arsenal of contraband that’s confiscated every year, which might include homemade tattoo guns, actual guns made from bed parts, mace, and other tools and weapons—not to mention less sensational innovations when it comes to food, drink, makeup and communication channels.

When you have many constraints, you often have high levels of creativity.

Let’s go back to the business world. Let’s say you’d like more referrals. You finish up a brilliant quarterly business review. You know your client is glowing—you’ve done well. This is the best time to ask for a referral, and you do:

“Glad you like the work we’re doing for you. Would you be willing to refer us to someone, and if so, can I get their information?”

Compare that to:

“Glad you like the work we’re doing for you. I’m wondering: do you have any friends in the industry, outside your region and that you don’t compete with, who would benefit from this type of work? Any contacts from conferences that you’d like to benefit from our help?”

Option one has limited constraints. Option two has multiple constraints. I bet you can guess which one of these is more effective.

Constraints help the mind by giving it a lane.

Let’s get into practical application.

Constraints are how leaders can frame the challenges they want their team to creatively address. Remember: you’re not introducing nonsensical barriers for their own sake. You’re creating a conduit for creativity.

For example, if you asked your team, “How do we 100% prevent flat tires on our delivery fleet?” you might get an answer like, “stop driving” or “take the tires off.” Both are correct answers. But here’s where framing with constraints helps. Change your question to:

“Team, we have experienced a lot of flat tires recently. Since we cannot stop delivering goods to our clients, I want you to put your heads together and come up with some potential tests we can run to reduce the severity and frequency of flat tires—ideally without negatively impacting fuel efficiency or labor costs, and while keeping costs to less than a 5% increase in overall fleet expense.”

This is a lot of constraints for the sake of the example, but it allows for greater creativity now that “take the wheels off” isn’t an option.

You’ve introduced hard edges:

      • Keep delivering.
      • Reduce the severity of flat tires.
      • Reduce the frequency of flat tires.
      • Yield a test for the solution.

And you’ve introduced soft edges:

      • Keep fuel efficiency the same.
      • Keep labor costs the same.
      • Keep overall fleet expense under +5%.

There are must-haves and nice-to-haves. Now that’s a lane to go down. This is where creativity flourishes. Picture the team whiteboard:

What if we went to a solid tire?

That might reduce fuel efficiency because of weight, or increase it because less of the tire makes contact with the road. Do research and/or design a test to determine if solid tires would satisfy the criteria.

What about run-flat tires?

It’s still a flat tire.

Yeah, but will it reduce severity? Do research and/or design a test to determine if solid tires would satisfy the criteria.

It might be a lot more expensive. Is “a lot” more than 5% of the overall fleet expense?

What if we outsourced delivery?

How would that compare to the fleet costs now, including repair and accident insurance, which has recently gone up because of all the flats and some accidents that resulted from them?

Is delivery a core competency of ours? Should we be doing it?

Cue dozens more questions about what other companies have done and what technology has emerged in the past decade to reduce flats.


While creative freedom sounds great, constraints can actually fuel a creative mind.

Get specific. If you need to zoom out to solve a huge problem, look at the nitty-gritty ground details first. Give constraints, solve and then expand if needed.

While you may wish that giving a blank sheet and ultimate goals would be the true test of creativity for a team, you’ll likely find that constraints are the most powerful conduits of creativity you can give.

If you want your company to thrive, be agile, be innovative and become unshakably creative in an ever-shifting business landscape—give your team something to hold onto first before you ask them to build.

For a partner who will help you make better data-backed decisions while keeping you working on the business instead of in it, get in touch using the contact form below.


* An earlier edition of this article by MashTank’s founder, Michael White, originally appeared in Forbes.





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